
‘Bioconversion of organic waste using black soldier fly larvae in Kenya”

Why Choose Zehunger Solutions

  • Zehunger Solutions produces sustainable and organic products through mass insect production.
  • We recycle 1000+ tons of organic waste each year from abattoirs and markets to make insect protein meal, organic pesticides, and fertilizer.
  • Our product lines include insect meal, capacity building, organic insecticides, briquettes, and fertilizer.
  • We champion on  educating on sustainable agriculture practices, and their natural insecticides are safe for both commercial and residential use.
  • Our organic fertilizer enhances soil health and improves crop yields.
  • Our socially responsible is committed to promoting sustainability and reducing waste

Our high-quality organic frass fertilizer and insect meal protein, enrich soil health, enhance agricultural productivity, and support food security in Kenya